Managing your team´s resistance
Breaking the barriers
One of the greatest challenges for managers is actively dealing with resistance and turning it into understand-ing and acceptance. When imple-menting changes in the firm, it can often feel like some actions lead to loss of acceptance while others get you closer to your goal. Because of this, WallBreakers was designed to help managers and team leaders manage different employee personalities and implement desired change through motivation and guidance.
Jumping onboard
In WallBreakers managers will learn how to deal with the different personal-ities in their team by visualizing how employees are “leaving” the “bus” and resist planned changes. The game starts off with a fictitious case in which a large IT service company buys a smaller one. From here on out, partici-pants are put in groups of three to eight, with each team having the task to support their employees during the different integration phases. Teams will be given a “bus” with different pawns, which represent different employee’s personalities. Based on the different roads of actions each player takes, they either gain or loose employees whom are on board with the change.
Why WallBreakers works
WallBreakers gives each participant the opportunity to deal with different challenges on the board game so they can better deal with these situations in the real world. Attendees will also acquire the skills needed to enact different forms of leadership (=situational leadership) in order to better manage people and implement real change. During the simulation, players will expe-rience different phases of change, in doing so they will identify meaningful measures to breakup resistance factors.
This makes WallBreakers the perfect platform for developing leader skills that would otherwise be hard to experiment with in the real work setting. Participants learn and discuss the topic of organizational change and individual resistance. This success is attributed to the fact that WallBreakers incorporates several renowned and well-known theories, such as organizational culture, change processes, personality types and management. These include, but are not limited to MBTI/JTI, Edgar Schein, John Kotter, Rich Maurer and Daniel Goleman.
Focus Topic
Managers learn how to deal with different personalities in their team. It is about actively dealing with resistance into understanding and acceptance. The game visualizes how employees are “leaving” the “bus” and resist the planned changes.
WallBreakers can be played as a large board game and in a full online version.
Wallbreakers is now available in a fully online version.
Target Group
Manager, Teamleads
4 hours- 1 day
English, German, French
Played in groups of 3-8 (up to 100 participants in each game)
from € 3.500 (exkl. VAT and travel costs)
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Wallbreakers™ is a tool used to train implementation of organizational change. It is about transforming resistance to change into understanding and acceptance
Most large change processes involve frustration, resistance, and reduced productivity. This is a natural part of all change processes. Whether a change process is off to a successful start, implementation, and anchoring depends on how well managers deal with the human dimension of the change processes.
Wallbreakers is a captivating simulation of a change processes, which offers managers a safe forum in which they can try out difficult leadership skills. Wallbreakers focuses on how to motivate employees to take part in the desired change, and how different phases of change processes require different forms of leadership.
Wallbreakers uses game dynamics and is build around a specific business case. Participants work in groups of three to six. Each group has to navigate a team of fictitious employees through a change process in three phases. The groups work on change intensity, prioritizing of resources, and handling various personality types and individual needs among employees.
Wallbreakers is based on a series of recognized theories on personality types, management, organizational culture, and change processes, including MBTI/JTI, Edgar Schein, John Kotter, Rick Maurer, and Daniel Goleman.
Acrasio is certified on the WallBreakers™ methodology. WallBreakers™ is a tool developed by workz.